Advance Health Care Directive

Advance Health Care Directive

An Advance Health Directive is an important part of a Living trust.

A simple, straightforward document called an advance directive allows you to express your wishes if you become incapacitated and unable to communicate. Advance Health directives are recognized in every state, and millions of Americans have them as part of their medical records. They are embraced by healthcare professionals, attorneys, hospice professionals and retiree organizations. The form allows you to appoint someone else, such as a family member or close friend, to speak for you if you can not speak for yourself, or to speak for you at a time or in a circumstance you designate.

Our Advance Health Care Directives are as detailed as possible to meet all your needs and address issues such as cremation and organ donation.

The directive takes effect once a doctor declares you lack the capacity to make health care decisions for yourself. Here at First Class Counsel, we Make sure to legally implement all of your health care wishes should an emergency arise. An unexpected accident or illness could create havoc in your life if you have not prepared for someone to have the power of managing your affairs, we recommend that you establish a power of attorney so that someone is able to manage all your affairs in case an unexpected situation arises.

With every Living Trust, we include the HIPAA provision.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law with national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without your consent or knowledge. The Privacy Rule standards address the use and disclosure of your health information (known as “protected health information”) by entities subject to the Privacy Rule. Our goal is to ensure your health information is properly protected while allowing the flow of information needed to provide and promote high quality health care to protect your health and well-being.

At First Class Counsel we go through every detail, every time to make sure you and your loved ones receive the protection you need at those very vulnerable times.

Why Work with First Class Counsel?

We take the time to learn about you and your family’s unique needs and desires.
Our skilled attorneys handle each case on a one-on-one basis, exploring the best options that suit your individual needs.
We are here to serve you as our courteous staff work hard so you don’t have to.